Water quality | Measurement | Water quality statistic | Summer mean | Summer minimum, summer maximum |
Water quality | Measurement | Water quality timing | Closest within ± 5 years | Year of sale, year prior to sale, closest within previous 5 years |
Water quality | Minimum threshold | Coefficient of variation for Secchi depth | 0.25 | N/A |
Property | Measurement | Property attributes | Lot size; building size; building age | None, bedrooms and bathroomsa |
Property | Maximum threshold | Lakefront property buffer | 150 m | 300 m |
Property | Minimum threshold | Sales in buffer | 1 | 0, 25 |
Property | Maximum threshold | Property distance to lake | 1,000 m | 2,500 m |
Modeling Choices |
Functional form | | Sale price, water quality | Log, log | Log, linear |
Functional form | | Covariatesb | Log | N/A |
Fixed effects | | Spatial unit | Census tract | Block group |
Fixed effects | | Interactions | Spatial unit × sale year | Spatial unit + sale year |