Index by author
February 01, 2002; Volume 78,Issue 1
Berrens, Robert P.
- You have accessRestricted accessValuing the Loss of Rock Climbing Access in Wilderness Areas: A National-Level, Random-Utility ModelTherese C. Grijalva, Robert P. Berrens, Alok K. Bohara, Paul M. Jakus and W. Douglass ShawLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 103-120; DOI: C. GrijalvaRobert P. BerrensAlok K. BoharaPaul M. Jakus
Bohara, Alok K.
- You have accessRestricted accessValuing the Loss of Rock Climbing Access in Wilderness Areas: A National-Level, Random-Utility ModelTherese C. Grijalva, Robert P. Berrens, Alok K. Bohara, Paul M. Jakus and W. Douglass ShawLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 103-120; DOI: C. GrijalvaRobert P. BerrensAlok K. BoharaPaul M. Jakus
Boyle, Kevin J.
- You have accessRestricted accessTesting Bid Design Effects in Multiple-Bounded, Contingent-Valuation QuestionsBrian Roach, Kevin J. Boyle and Michael WelshLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 121-131; DOI: RoachKevin J. Boyle
Bruckner, Bernhard
- You have accessRestricted accessWillingness to Pay for Environmental Practices: Implications for Eco-LabelingWanki Moon, Wojciech J. Florkowski, Bernhard Brückner and Ilona SchonhofLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 88-102; DOI: MoonWojciech J. FlorkowskiBernhard Brückner
Florkowski, Wojciech J.
- You have accessRestricted accessWillingness to Pay for Environmental Practices: Implications for Eco-LabelingWanki Moon, Wojciech J. Florkowski, Bernhard Brückner and Ilona SchonhofLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 88-102; DOI: MoonWojciech J. FlorkowskiBernhard Brückner
Grijalva, Therese C.
- You have accessRestricted accessValuing the Loss of Rock Climbing Access in Wilderness Areas: A National-Level, Random-Utility ModelTherese C. Grijalva, Robert P. Berrens, Alok K. Bohara, Paul M. Jakus and W. Douglass ShawLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 103-120; DOI: C. GrijalvaRobert P. BerrensAlok K. BoharaPaul M. Jakus
Groves, Jeremy R.
- You have accessRestricted accessZoning and the Distribution of Location Rents: An Empirical Analysis of Harris County, TexasJeremy R. Groves and Eric HellandLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 28-44; DOI:
Helland, Eric
- You have accessRestricted accessZoning and the Distribution of Location Rents: An Empirical Analysis of Harris County, TexasJeremy R. Groves and Eric HellandLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 28-44; DOI:
Howe, E. Lance
- You have accessRestricted accessMarket Integration, Development, and Smallholder Forest ClearanceLinwood H. Pendleton and E. Lance HoweLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 1-19; DOI:
Inman, Katherine
- You have accessRestricted accessRural Land Use and Sale Preferences in a Wyoming CountyKatherine Inman, Donald M. McLeod and Dale J. MenkhausLand Economics, February 2002, 78 (1) 72-87; DOI: InmanDonald M. McLeod
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