Index by author

  1. Albers, Heidi J.

  2. Breffle, William S.

    1. Comparing Choice Question Formats for Evaluating Natural Resource Tradeoffs
      William S. Breffle and Robert D. Rowe
  3. Collins, Alan

    1. Does Plant Ownership Affect the Level of Pollution Abatement Expenditure?
      Alan Collins and Richard I. D. Harris
  4. Cooke, Stephen C.

  5. Deng, F. Frederic

    1. Ground Lease-Based Land Use System versus Common Interest Development
      F. Frederic Deng
  6. Epp, Donald J.

  7. Fisher, Ann

  8. Harris, Richard I. D.

    1. Does Plant Ownership Affect the Level of Pollution Abatement Expenditure?
      Alan Collins and Richard I. D. Harris
  9. Holland, David

  10. Hunt, Gary L.

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