Table of Contents
November 01, 2002; Volume 78,Issue 4
Anton, William Rose Q.
- You have accessRestricted accessCorporate Environmental Management: Regulatory and Market-Based IncentivesMadhu Khanna and William Rose Q. AntonLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 539-558; DOI:
Azzaino, Zevi
- You have accessRestricted accessOptimizing the Riparian Buffer: Harold Brook in the Skaneateles Lake Watershed, New YorkZevi Azzaino, Jon M. Conrad and Paul J. FerraroLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 501-514; DOI: AzzainoJon M. Conrad
Bauer, Dana Marie
- You have accessRestricted accessSpatial Factors and Stated Preference Values for Public Goods: Considerations for Rural Land UseRobert J. Johnston, Stephen K. Swallow and Dana Marie BauerLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 481-500; DOI: J. JohnstonStephen K. Swallow
Brown, Thomas C.
- You have accessRestricted accessContingent Valuation and IncentivesPatricia A. Champ, Nicholas E. Flores, Thomas C. Brown and James ChiversLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 591-604; DOI: A. ChampNicholas E. FloresThomas C. Brown
Champ, Patricia A.
- You have accessRestricted accessContingent Valuation and IncentivesPatricia A. Champ, Nicholas E. Flores, Thomas C. Brown and James ChiversLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 591-604; DOI: A. ChampNicholas E. FloresThomas C. Brown
Chivers, James
- You have accessRestricted accessContingent Valuation and IncentivesPatricia A. Champ, Nicholas E. Flores, Thomas C. Brown and James ChiversLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 591-604; DOI: A. ChampNicholas E. FloresThomas C. Brown
- You have accessRestricted accessMarket Failure in Information: The National Flood Insurance ProgramJames Chivers and Nicholas E. FloresLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 515-521; DOI:
Conrad, Jon M.
- You have accessRestricted accessOptimizing the Riparian Buffer: Harold Brook in the Skaneateles Lake Watershed, New YorkZevi Azzaino, Jon M. Conrad and Paul J. FerraroLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 501-514; DOI: AzzainoJon M. Conrad
Ferraro, Paul J.
- You have accessRestricted accessOptimizing the Riparian Buffer: Harold Brook in the Skaneateles Lake Watershed, New YorkZevi Azzaino, Jon M. Conrad and Paul J. FerraroLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 501-514; DOI: AzzainoJon M. Conrad
Flores, Nicholas E.
- You have accessRestricted accessContingent Valuation and IncentivesPatricia A. Champ, Nicholas E. Flores, Thomas C. Brown and James ChiversLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 591-604; DOI: A. ChampNicholas E. FloresThomas C. Brown
- You have accessRestricted accessMarket Failure in Information: The National Flood Insurance ProgramJames Chivers and Nicholas E. FloresLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 515-521; DOI:
Holden, Stein
- You have accessRestricted accessLand Redistribution, Tenure Insecurity, and Intensity of Production: A Study of Farm Households in Southern EthiopiaStein Holden and Hailu YohannesLand Economics, November 2002, 78 (4) 573-590; DOI: