Index by author
February 01, 2004; Volume 80,Issue 1
Adams, Richard M.
- You have accessRestricted accessAmenities in an Urban Equilibrium Model: Residential Development in Portland, OregonJunJie Wu, Richard M. Adams and Andrew J. PlantingaLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 19-32; DOI: WuRichard M. Adams
Galster, George
- You have accessRestricted accessSupportive Housing and Neighborhood Property Value ExternalitiesGeorge Galster, Peter Tatian and Kathryn PettitLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 33-54; DOI: GalsterPeter Tatian
Gerking, Shelby
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental and Land Use Regulation in Nonrenewable Resource Industries: Implications from the Wyoming CheckerboardMitch Kunce, Shelby Gerking and William MorganLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 76-94; DOI: KunceShelby Gerking
Huffman, Wallace E.
- You have accessRestricted accessEstimating the Public Value of Conflicting Information: The Case of Genetically Modified FoodsMatthew C. Rousu, Wallace E. Huffman, Jason F. Shogren and Abebayehu TegeneLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 125-135; DOI: C. RousuWallace E. HuffmanJason F. Shogren
Irwin, Elena G.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effects of Farmland, Farmland Preservation, and Other Neighborhood Amenities on Housing Values and Residential GrowthBrian Roe, Elena G. Irwin and Hazel A. Morrow-JonesLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 55-75; DOI: RoeElena G. Irwin
Kunce, Mitch
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental and Land Use Regulation in Nonrenewable Resource Industries: Implications from the Wyoming CheckerboardMitch Kunce, Shelby Gerking and William MorganLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 76-94; DOI: KunceShelby Gerking
Lee, Heng-Chi
- You have accessRestricted accessEstimating Leakage from Forest Carbon Sequestration ProgramsBrian C. Murray, Bruce A. McCarl and Heng-Chi LeeLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 109-124; DOI: C. MurrayBruce A. McCarl
Mccarl, Bruce A.
- You have accessRestricted accessEstimating Leakage from Forest Carbon Sequestration ProgramsBrian C. Murray, Bruce A. McCarl and Heng-Chi LeeLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 109-124; DOI: C. MurrayBruce A. McCarl
Mcgough, Bruce
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Dynamic Behavior of Efficient Timber PricesBruce McGough, Andrew J. Plantinga and Bill ProvencherLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 95-108; DOI: McGoughAndrew J. Plantinga
Morgan, William
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental and Land Use Regulation in Nonrenewable Resource Industries: Implications from the Wyoming CheckerboardMitch Kunce, Shelby Gerking and William MorganLand Economics, February 2004, 80 (1) 76-94; DOI: KunceShelby Gerking
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