Table of Contents

  1. Aadland, David

  2. Alaouze, Chris M.

    1. The Effect of Conservation Value on the Optimal Forest Rotation
      Chris M. Alaouze
  3. Bateman, Ian J.

  4. Caplan, Arthur J.

  5. Co, Catherine Y.

  6. Drozd, David J.

  7. Fernandez, Linda

    1. Revealed Preferences of an International Trade and Environment Institution
      Linda Fernandez
  8. Ferreira, Susana

    1. Deforestation, Property Rights, and International Trade
      Susana Ferreira
  9. Gowdy, John M.

    1. The Revolution in Welfare Economics and Its Implications for Environmental Valuation and Policy
      John M. Gowdy
  10. Johnson, Bruce B.

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