Table of Contents

  1. Adamowicz, W. L.

  2. Bin, Okmyung

  3. Boxall, P. C.

  4. Bruvoll, Annegrete

    1. The Cold Shiver of Not Giving Enough: On the Social Cost of Recycling Campaigns
      Annegrete Bruvoll and Karine Nyborg
  5. Eggert, Håkan

    1. Are Commercial Fishers Risk-Lovers?
      Håkan Eggert and Peter Martinsson
  6. Goodstein, Eban

    1. The Death of the Pigovian Tax: Reply
      Eban Goodstein
  7. Haener, M. K.

  8. Jenkins, Robin R.

  9. Johnstone, Nick

  10. Kuhnke, D. H.

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