Index by author

  1. Behan, Jasmina

  2. Bisack, Kathryn D.

    1. Harbor Porpoise Bycatch: ITQs or Time/Area Closures in the New England Gillnet Fishery
      Kathryn D. Bisack and Jon G. Sutinen
  3. Earnhart, Dietrich

    1. Using Contingent-Pricing Analysis to Value Open Space and Its Duration at Residential Locations
      Dietrich Earnhart
  4. Featherstone, Allen M.

    1. Factors Influencing Kansas Agricultural Farm Land Values
      Leah J. Tsoodle, Bill B. Golden and Allen M. Featherstone
  5. Flachaire, Emmanuel

    1. Controlling Starting-Point Bias in Double-Bounded Contingent Valuation Surveys
      Emmanuel Flachaire and Guillaume Hollard
  6. Golden, Bill B.

    1. Factors Influencing Kansas Agricultural Farm Land Values
      Leah J. Tsoodle, Bill B. Golden and Allen M. Featherstone
  7. Hollard, Guillaume

    1. Controlling Starting-Point Bias in Double-Bounded Contingent Valuation Surveys
      Emmanuel Flachaire and Guillaume Hollard
  8. Howarth, Richard B.

    1. A Theoretical Approach to Deliberative Valuation: Aggregation by Mutual Consent
      Richard B. Howarth and Matthew A. Wilson
  9. Kung, James Kai-sing

    1. Do Secure Land Use Rights Reduce Fertility? The Case of Meitan County in China
      James Kai-sing Kung
  10. Mcgonagle, Michael P.

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