Index by author

  1. Adams, Darius M.

    1. The Cost of Achieving Old-Growth Forest Structure
      Claire A. Montgomery, Greg S. Latta and Darius M. Adams
  2. Aldred, Jonathan

    1. Incommensurability and Monetary Valuation
      Jonathan Aldred
  3. Bingham, Matthew F.

  4. Bishop, Richard C.

    1. Is Willingness to Pay for a Public Good Sensitive to the Elicitation Format?
      Patricia A. Champ and Richard C. Bishop
  5. Cameron, Trudy Ann

    1. Evidence of Environmental Migration
      Trudy Ann Cameron and Ian T. McConnaha
  6. Champ, Patricia A.

    1. Is Willingness to Pay for a Public Good Sensitive to the Elicitation Format?
      Patricia A. Champ and Richard C. Bishop
  7. Cheng, Ping

  8. Deacon, Robert T.

    1. Does the Environmental Kuznets Curve Describe How Individual Countries Behave?
      Robert T. Deacon and Catherine S. Norman
  9. Desvousges, William H.

  10. Dotzour, Mark O.

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