Index by author
November 01, 2006; Volume 82,Issue 4
Angelsen, Arild
- You have accessRestricted accessDo the Poor Benefit from Devolution Policies? Evidence from Malawi’s Forest Co-Management ProgramCharles Blessings Laurence Jumbe and Arild AngelsenLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 562-581; DOI: Blessings Laurence Jumbe
Benson, Earl D.
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental Hazards and Residential Property Values: Evidence from a Major Pipeline EventJulia L. Hansen, Earl D. Benson and Daniel A. HagenLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 529-541; DOI: L. HansenEarl D. Benson
Berck, Peter
- You have accessRestricted accessModeling Suburban and Rural-Residential Development Beyond the Urban FringeDavid A. Newburn and Peter BerckLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 481-499; DOI:
Berrens, Robert P.
- You have accessRestricted accessInvestigation of Stated and Revealed Preferences for an Elk Hunting RaffleJoseph M. Little, Kristine M. Grimsrud, Patricia A. Champ and Robert P. BerrensLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 623-640; DOI: M. LittleKristine M. GrimsrudPatricia A. Champ
Champ, Patricia A.
- You have accessRestricted accessInvestigation of Stated and Revealed Preferences for an Elk Hunting RaffleJoseph M. Little, Kristine M. Grimsrud, Patricia A. Champ and Robert P. BerrensLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 623-640; DOI: M. LittleKristine M. GrimsrudPatricia A. Champ
Dehring, Carolyn A.
- You have accessRestricted accessBuilding Codes and Land Values in High Hazard AreasCarolyn A. DehringLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 513-528; DOI:
Grimsrud, Kristine M.
- You have accessRestricted accessInvestigation of Stated and Revealed Preferences for an Elk Hunting RaffleJoseph M. Little, Kristine M. Grimsrud, Patricia A. Champ and Robert P. BerrensLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 623-640; DOI: M. LittleKristine M. GrimsrudPatricia A. Champ
Hagen, Daniel A.
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental Hazards and Residential Property Values: Evidence from a Major Pipeline EventJulia L. Hansen, Earl D. Benson and Daniel A. HagenLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 529-541; DOI: L. HansenEarl D. Benson
Hansen, Julia L.
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental Hazards and Residential Property Values: Evidence from a Major Pipeline EventJulia L. Hansen, Earl D. Benson and Daniel A. HagenLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 529-541; DOI: L. HansenEarl D. Benson
Hodge, Ian
- You have accessRestricted accessParticipatory Environmental Education and Willingness to Pay for River Basin Management: Empirical Evidence from NigeriaKevin C. Urama and Ian HodgeLand Economics, November 2006, 82 (4) 542-561; DOI: