Index by author
May 01, 2007; Volume 83,Issue 2
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental and Land Use Regulation in Nonrenewable Resource IndustriesShelby Gerking and William E. MorganLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) iii; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPolicies for Habitat Fragmentation: Combining Econometrics with GIS-Based Landscape SimulationsDavid J. Lewis and Andrew J. PlantingaLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 109-127; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessRiding the Wave of Urban Growth in the Countryside: Spread, Backwash, or Stagnation?Mark Partridge, Ray D. Bollman, M. Rose Olfert and Alessandro AlasiaLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 128-152; DOI: PartridgeRay D. BollmanM. Rose Olfert
- You have accessRestricted accessNet Buyers, Net Sellers, and Agricultural Landowner Support for Agricultural ZoningB. James Deaton, John P. Hoehn and Patricia E. NorrisLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 153-165; DOI: James DeatonJohn P. Hoehn
- You have accessRestricted accessCloud Cover and Satellite Images of DeforestationJ. S. Butler and Christine MoserLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 166-173; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Impacts of Social Networks and Household Forest Conservation Efforts in Rural NepalMani Nepal, Alok K. Bohara and Robert P. BerrensLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 174-191; DOI: NepalAlok K. Bohara
- You have accessRestricted accessOn Price Liberalization, Poverty, and Shifting Cultivation: An Example from MexicoUnai Pascual and Edward B. BarbierLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 192-216; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessWildfire Risk and Housing Prices: A Case Study from Colorado SpringsGeoffrey H. Donovan, Patricia A. Champ and David T. ButryLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 217-233; DOI: H. DonovanPatricia A. Champ
- You have accessRestricted accessValuing Groundwater Recharge in an Urban ContextW. Bowman CutterLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 234-252; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessHedonic Onsight Cost Model of Recreation DemandCraig E. Landry and Kenneth E. McConnellLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 253-267; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessWater Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects by Ronald C. Griffin Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2006, $50.00 cloth; 432 pp.Steven J. RenzettiLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 268-276; DOI: J. RenzettiDepartment of Economics, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
- You have accessRestricted accessBook Review: Environmental Economics for Tree Huggers and Other Skeptics by William K. Jaeger Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2005, $45.00 cloth, $22.50 paper, 180 pp.John B. BradenLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 277-279; DOI: B. BradenDepartment of Agricultural and, Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- You have accessRestricted accessConflict and Cooperation: Institutional and Behavioral Economics by A. Allan Schmid Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell, 2004, $85.95 cloth, $43.95 paper, 360 pp.John B. DavisLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 280-283; DOI: B. DavisDepartments of Economics, University of Amsterdam and, Marquette University
- You have accessRestricted accessBooks ReceivedLand Economics, May 2007, 83 (2) 284; DOI:
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