Index by author

  1. Alasia, Alessandro

  2. Barbier, Edward B.

    1. On Price Liberalization, Poverty, and Shifting Cultivation: An Example from Mexico
      Unai Pascual and Edward B. Barbier
  3. Berrens, Robert P.

  4. Bohara, Alok K.

  5. Bollman, Ray D.

  6. Braden, John B.

    1. Book Review: Environmental Economics for Tree Huggers and Other Skeptics by William K. Jaeger Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2005, $45.00 cloth, $22.50 paper, 180 pp.
      John B. Braden
  7. Butler, J. S.

    1. Cloud Cover and Satellite Images of Deforestation
      J. S. Butler and Christine Moser
  8. Butry, David T.

  9. Champ, Patricia A.

  10. Cutter, W. Bowman

    1. Valuing Groundwater Recharge in an Urban Context
      W. Bowman Cutter
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