Index by author

  1. Campbell, Danny

  2. Dehring, Carolyn A.

    1. Residential Land-Use Controls and Land Values: Zoning and Covenant Interactions
      Carolyn A. Dehring and Melissa S. Lind
  3. Desvousges, William H.

    1. The Economics of Fish Consumption Advisories: Insights from Revealed and Stated Preference Data
      Douglas J. MacNair and William H. Desvousges
  4. Fischer, Carolyn

  5. Fox, Alan K.

  6. Hardie, Ian

  7. Hutchinson, W. George

  8. Kim, Hwa Nyeon

  9. Kovacs, Kent F.

    1. The Influence of Recreation and Amenity Benefits of Open Space on Residential Development Patterns
      Kent F. Kovacs and Douglas M. Larson
  10. Larson, Douglas M.

    1. The Influence of Recreation and Amenity Benefits of Open Space on Residential Development Patterns
      Kent F. Kovacs and Douglas M. Larson
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