Index by author
February 01, 2008; Volume 84,Issue 1
- You have accessRestricted accessMaking Markets for Development Rights Work: What Determines Demand?Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret WallsLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 1-16; DOI: KopitsVirginia McConnell
- You have accessRestricted accessDo Landowners Respond to Land Retirement Incentives? Evidence from the Conservation Reserve Enhancement ProgramJordan F. Suter, Gregory L. Poe and Nelson L. BillsLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 17-30; DOI: F. SuterGregory L. Poe
- You have accessRestricted accessIs Water Policy Limiting Residential Growth? Evidence from CaliforniaEllen HanakLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 31-50; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessOn the Link Between Urban Form and Automobile Use: Evidence from German Survey DataColin Vance and Ralf HedelLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 51-65; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessWill Farmers Trade Profits for Stewardship? Heterogeneous Motivations for Farm Practice SelectionHayley H. Chouinard, Tobias Paterson, Philip R. Wandschneider and Adrienne M. OhlerLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 66-82; DOI: H. ChouinardTobias PatersonPhilip R. Wandschneider
- You have accessRestricted accessRainfall Shocks, Resilience, and the Effects of Crop Biodiversity on Agroecosystem ProductivitySalvatore Di Falco and Jean-Paul ChavasLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 83-96; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessVoluntary Agreements with Industries: Participation Incentives with Industry-Wide TargetsNa Li Dawson and Kathleen SegersonLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 97-114; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessDecoy Effects in Choice Experiments and Contingent Valuation: Asymmetric DominanceIan J. Bateman, Alistair Munro and Gregory L. PoeLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 115-127; DOI: J. BatemanAlistair Munro
- You have accessRestricted accessHow Can We Reduce the Errors from Benefits Transfer? An Investigation Using the Choice Experiment MethodSergio Colombo and Nick HanleyLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 128-147; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPoverty and the Environment: Exploring the Relationship Between Household Incomes, Private Assets, and Natural AssetsUrvashi Narain, Shreekant Gupta and Klaas van ’t VeldLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 148-167; DOI: NarainShreekant Gupta
Books Received
- You have accessRestricted accessBooks ReceivedLand Economics, February 2008, 84 (1) 168; DOI:
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