Table of Contents
August 01, 2008; Volume 84,Issue 3
- You have accessRestricted accessIntegrating Property Value and Local Recreation Models to Value Ecosystem Services in Urban WatershedsDaniel J. Phaneuf, V. Kerry Smith, Raymond B. Palmquist and Jaren C. PopeLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 361-381; DOI: J. PhaneufV. Kerry SmithRaymond B. Palmquist
- You have accessRestricted accessDo Environmental Regulations Influence the Location Behavior of French Firms?Sébastien Raspiller and Nicolas RiedingerLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 382-395; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessProperty Tax Policy and Land-Use ChangeMaksym Polyakov and Daowei ZhangLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 396-408; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessIndia’s Disappearing Common Lands: Fuzzy Boundaries, Encroachment, and Evolving Property RightsElizabeth J. Z. RobinsonLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 409-422; DOI: J. Z. Robinson
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effect of a Gated Community on Property and Beach Amenity ValuationJeffrey PompeLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 423-433; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessViewscapes and Flood Hazard: Coastal Housing Market Response to Amenities and RiskOkmyung Bin, Thomas W. Crawford, Jamie B. Kruse and Craig E. LandryLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 434-448; DOI: BinThomas W. CrawfordJamie B. Kruse
- You have accessRestricted accessSpatial-Endogenous Fire Risk and Efficient Fuel Management and Timber HarvestMasashi Konoshima, Claire A. Montgomery, Heidi J. Albers and Jeffrey L. ArthurLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 449-468; DOI: KonoshimaClaire A. MontgomeryHeidi J. Albers
- You have accessRestricted accessDeliberative Monetary Valuation and the Evidence for a New Value TheoryClive L. SpashLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 469-488; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessIs Hypothetical Bias a Universal Phenomenon? A Multinational InvestigationMariah D. Ehmke, Jayson L. Lusk and John A. ListLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 489-500; DOI: D. EhmkeJayson L. Lusk
- You have accessRestricted accessEffects of Norms and Opportunity Cost of Time on Household RecyclingBente HalvorsenLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 501-516; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAssessing Management Options for Weed Control with Demanders and Non-Demanders in a Choice ExperimentFredrik Carlsson and Mitesh KatariaLand Economics, August 2008, 84 (3) 517-528; DOI:
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