Table of Contents
November 01, 2008; Volume 84,Issue 4
- You have accessRestricted accessWhat Drives Land-Use Change in the United States? A National Analysis of Landowner DecisionsRuben N. Lubowski, Andrew J. Plantinga and Robert N. StavinsLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 529-550; DOI: N. LubowskiAndrew J. Plantinga
- You have accessRestricted accessDo Seller Disclosures Affect Property Values? Buyer Information and the Hedonic ModelJaren C. PopeLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 551-572; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMarket Power in a GIS-Based Hedonic Price Model of Local Farmland MarketsGeerte Cotteleer, Cornelis Gardebroek and Jan LuijtLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 573-592; DOI: CotteleerCornelis Gardebroek
- You have accessRestricted accessLegal Knowledge and Economic Development: The Case of Land Rights in UgandaKlaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali and Takashi YamanoLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 593-619; DOI: DeiningerDaniel Ayalew Ali
- You have accessRestricted accessMaking the Commons Work: Conservation and Cooperation in IrelandSalvatore Di Falco and Thomas M. van RensburgLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 620-634; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessIntra-Regional Amenities, Wages, and Home Prices: The Role of Forests in the SouthwestMichael S. Hand, Jennifer A. Thacher, Daniel W. McCollum and Robert P. BerrensLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 635-651; DOI: S. HandJennifer A. ThacherDaniel W. McCollum
- You have accessRestricted accessFisheries Instrument Choice under UncertaintyTom Kompas, Tuong Nhu Che and R. Quentin GraftonLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 652-666; DOI: KompasTuong Nhu Che
- You have accessRestricted accessRent Capture Analysis of Ontario’s Stumpage System Using an Enhanced Parity Bounds ModelFeng’ e Yang and Shashi KantLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 667-688; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessDistribution of Environmental Costs and Benefits, Additional Distortions, and the Porter HypothesisRobert D. Mohr and Shrawantee SahaLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 689-700; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessOptimal Public Goods Provision: Implications of Endogenizing the Labor/Leisure ChoiceNicholas E. Flores and Philip E. GravesLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 701-707; DOI:
Books Received
- You have accessRestricted accessBooks ReceivedLand Economics, November 2008, 84 (4) 712; DOI:
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