Index by author
May 01, 2010; Volume 86,Issue 2
- You have accessRestricted accessLimits to the Privatization of Fishery ResourcesColin W. Clark, Gordon R. Munro and U. Rashid SumailaLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 209-218; DOI: W. ClarkGordon R. Munro
- You have accessRestricted accessChina’s Sloping Land Conversion Program: Does Expansion Equal Success?Jintao Xu, Ran Tao, Zhigang Xu and Michael T. BennettLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 219-244; DOI: XuRan TaoZhigang Xu
- You have accessRestricted accessFarmland Owners’ Land Sale Preferences: Can They Be Affected by Taxation Programs?Sami Myyrä and Eija PoutaLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 245-262; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessForecasting Open Space with a Two-Rate Property TaxSeong-Hoon Cho, Dayton M. Lambert and Roland K. RobertsLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 263-280; DOI: ChoDayton M. Lambert
- You have accessRestricted accessEstimating the Demand for Tree Canopy: A Second-Stage Hedonic Price Analysis in Portland, OregonNoelwah R. Netusil, Sudip Chattopadhyay and Kent F. KovacsLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 281-293; DOI: R. NetusilSudip Chattopadhyay
- You have accessRestricted accessEvaluating Split Estates in Oil and Gas LeasingTimothy FitzgeraldLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 294-312; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMinerals, Institutions, Openness, and Growth: An Empirical AnalysisJames L. Butkiewicz and Halit YanikkayaLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 313-328; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effect of Clean Water Regulation on Profitability: Testing the Porter HypothesisDylan G. Rassier and Dietrich EarnhartLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 329-344; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessA Combinatorial Optimization Approach to Nonmarket Environmental Benefit Aggregation via Simulated PopulationsStephen Hynes, Nick Hanley and Cathal O’DonoghueLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 345-362; DOI: HynesNick Hanley
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing Respondent Uncertainty to Mitigate Hypothetical Bias in a Stated Choice ExperimentRichard C. Ready, Patricia A. Champ and Jennifer L. LawtonLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 363-381; DOI: C. ReadyPatricia A. Champ
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvironmental Information Provision, Market Valuation, and Firm Incentives: An Empirical Study of the Japanese PRTR SystemAkira Hibiki and Shunsuke ManagiLand Economics, May 2010, 86 (2) 382-393; DOI: