Table of Contents

  1. Almer, Christian

    1. Environmental Crime and Punishment: Empirical Evidence from the German Penal Code
      Christian Almer and Timo Goeschl
  2. Baerenklau, Kenneth A.

    1. A Latent Class Approach to Modeling Endogenous Spatial Sorting in Zonal Recreation Demand Models
      Kenneth A. Baerenklau
  3. Beghin, John C.

  4. Blackman, Allen

  5. Brekke, Kjell Arne

  6. Darley, Sarah

  7. Dinar, Ariel

    1. Conflict, Cooperation, and Institutions in International Water Management: An Economic Analysis, by Ines Dombrowsky, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Edgar Publishing, Ltd., 2007, $135 cloth, 376 pp.
      Ariel Dinar
  8. Dong, Fengxia

  9. Elobeid, Amani

  10. Fabiosa, Jacinto F.

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