Research ArticleArticles
Deriving Benefit Measures with Higher Precision: A Study of Economic Values of Air Quality
Ju-Chin Huang
Land Economics, November 2010, 86 (4) 727-745; DOI:

- Anderson Robert J. Jr.,
- Crocker Thomas D.
- ↵
- ↵
- Banzhaf H. Spencer
- ↵
- ↵
- Bender Bruce,
- Hwang Hae-Shin
- Berry Brian J. L.
- Blomquist Glenn C.,
- Berger Mark C.,
- Hoehn John P.
- Brookshire David S.,
- d’Arge Ralph C.,
- Schulze William D.,
- Thayer Mark A.
- Brookshire David S.,
- Thayer Mark A.,
- Schulze William D.,
- D’Arge Ralph C.
- Brookshire David S.,
- Thayer Mark A.,
- Tschirhart John,
- Schulze William D.
- Brucato Peter F. Jr.,
- Murdoch James C.,
- Thayer Mark A.
- Chattopadhyay Sudip
- ↵
- Chattopadhyay Sudip
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- Chay Kenneth Y.,
- Greenstone Michael
- Clark David E.
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- Delaney Nancy J.,
- Chatterjee Sangit
- Deyak Timothy A.,
- Smith V. Kerry
- ↵
- Dwivedi T. D.,
- Srivastava V. K.,
- Hall R. L.
- ↵
- Giannias Dimitrios A.
- Graves Phil,
- Murdoch James C.,
- Thayer Mark A.,
- Waldman Don
- Harrison David Jr.,
- Rubinfeld Daniel L.
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- Hoerl Arthur E.
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- Hoerl Arthur E.,
- Kennard Robert W.
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- Hoerl Arthur E.,
- Kennard Robert W.,
- Baldwin Kent F.
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- Huang Ju-Chin
- Jackson Jerry R.
- Khan Matthew E.
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- Kim Chong W.
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- Kim Chong W.,
- Phillips Tim T.,
- Anselin Luc
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- Kmenta Jan
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- Lin Karl,
- Kmenta Jan
- McDonald John F.
- Neill Helen R.,
- Hassanzahl David M.,
- Assane Djeto D.
- Nelson Jon P.
- ↵
- Palmquist Raymond B.
- Polinsky A. Mitchell,
- Rubinfeld Daniel L.
- ↵
- Power Simon,
- Bishop William
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- Sieg Holger,
- Smith V. Kerry,
- Banzhaf H. Spencer,
- Walsh Randy
- Smith Barton A.
- Smith V. Kerry,
- Deyak Timothy A.
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- Smith V. Kerry,
- Huang Ju-Chin
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- Srivastava V. K.,
- Giles D. E. A.
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- Srivastava A. K.
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- Ullah A.,
- Carter R. A. L.,
- Srivastava V. K.
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- Ullah A.,
- Vinod H. D.,
- Kadiyala R. K.
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- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
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- Zabel Jeffrey E.,
- Kiel Katherine A.
In this issue
Deriving Benefit Measures with Higher Precision: A Study of Economic Values of Air Quality
Ju-Chin Huang
Land Economics Nov 2010, 86 (4) 727-745; DOI: 10.3368/le.86.4.727
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- Article
- Abstract
- I. Introduction
- II. Ridge Estimators
- III. Recovering Ridge Regression Estimates From Ols Results
- IV. Reexamining Benefit Estimates of Air Quality from Existing Hedonic Housing Studies
- V. Employing the Proposed Calibration Strategy in Benefit-Cost Analysis
- VI. Concluding Remarks
- Appendix A Ridge Estimates Expressed in Terms of Ols Summary Statistics
- Appendix B Reexamining Benefit Estimates of Air Quality from Existing Hedonic Housing Studies
- Footnotes
- References
- Figures & Data
- Info & Metrics
- References
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