Index by author
May 01, 2011; Volume 87,Issue 2
Albers, Heidi J.
- You have accessRestricted accessSizing Reserves within a Landscape: The Roles of Villagers’ Reactions and the Ecological-Socioeconomic SettingElizabeth J. Z. Robinson, Heidi J. Albers and Jeffrey C. WilliamsLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 233-249; DOI: J. Z. RobinsonHeidi J. Albers
Alemu, Tekie
- You have accessRestricted accessImpacts of Land Certification on Tenure Security, Investment, and Land Market Participation: Evidence from EthiopiaKlaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali and Tekie AlemuLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 312-334; DOI: DeiningerDaniel Ayalew Ali
Ali, Daniel Ayalew
- You have accessRestricted accessImpacts of Land Certification on Tenure Security, Investment, and Land Market Participation: Evidence from EthiopiaKlaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali and Tekie AlemuLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 312-334; DOI: DeiningerDaniel Ayalew Ali
Arnot, Chris D.
- You have accessRestricted accessWhat Is Tenure Security? Conceptual Implications for Empirical AnalysisChris D. Arnot, Martin K. Luckert and Peter C. BoxallLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 297-311; DOI: D. ArnotMartin K. Luckert
Barham, Bradford L.
- You have accessRestricted accessAre There Spatial Spillovers in the Adoption of Clean Technology? The Case of Organic Dairy FarmingDavid J. Lewis, Bradford L. Barham and Brian RobinsonLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 250-267; DOI: J. LewisBradford L. Barham
Bateman, Ian J.
- You have accessRestricted accessTesting the Fundamental Assumption of Choice Experiments: Are Values Absolute or Relative?Tiziana Luisetti, Ian J. Bateman and R. Kerry TurnerLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 284-296; DOI: LuisettiIan J. Bateman
Blomendahl, Ben H.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Impact of Ethanol Plants on Surrounding Farmland Values: A Case StudyBen H. Blomendahl, Richard K. Perrin and Bruce B. JohnsonLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 223-232; DOI: H. BlomendahlRichard K. Perrin
Boxall, Peter C.
- You have accessRestricted accessWhat Is Tenure Security? Conceptual Implications for Empirical AnalysisChris D. Arnot, Martin K. Luckert and Peter C. BoxallLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 297-311; DOI: D. ArnotMartin K. Luckert
Brekke, Kjell Arne
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes the Existence of a Public Good Enhance Cooperation among Users of Common-Pool Resources?Jan Tore Solstad and Kjell Arne BrekkeLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 335-345; DOI:
Deininger, Klaus
- You have accessRestricted accessImpacts of Land Certification on Tenure Security, Investment, and Land Market Participation: Evidence from EthiopiaKlaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali and Tekie AlemuLand Economics, May 2011, 87 (2) 312-334; DOI: DeiningerDaniel Ayalew Ali
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