Research ArticleArticles
How Can Behavioral Economics Inform Nonmarket Valuation? An Example from the Preference Reversal Literature
Jonathan E. Alevy, John A. List and Wiktor L. Adamowicz
Land Economics, August 2011, 87 (3) 365-381; DOI:
Jonathan E. Alevy
John A. List

- Adamowicz Wiktor L.
- Adamowicz Wiktor,
- Alevy Jonathan E.,
- List John A.
- Adamowicz Wiktor L.,
- Boxall Peter,
- Williams Michael,
- Louviere Jordan
- Bazerman Max H.,
- Loewenstein George F.,
- White Sally B.
- Bazerman Max H.,
- Moore Don A.,
- Tenbrunsel Ann E.,
- Wade-Benzoni Kimberly A.,
- Blount Sally
- Boxall Peter C.,
- Adamowicz Wiktor L.,
- Swait Joffre,
- Williams Michael,
- Louviere Jordan
- Carson Richard T.,
- Flores Nicholas E.,
- Mitchell Robert C.
- Chaikin Shelly,
- Trope Yaacov
- Desvouges William H.,
- Johnson F. Reed,
- Dunford Richard W.,
- Boyle Kevin J.,
- Hudson Sara P.,
- Wilson K. Nicole
- Frederick Shane
- Grether David M.,
- Plott Charles
- Hammack Judd,
- Brown Gardner M.
- Heberlein Thomas A.,
- Wilson Matthew W.,
- Bishop Richard C.,
- Schaeffer Nora
- Hsee Christopher K.
- Hsee Christopher K.
- Hsee Christopher K.,
- Loewenstein Sally Blount George F.,
- Bazerman Max A.
- Irwin Julie R.,
- Slovic Paul,
- Lichtenstein Sarah,
- McClelland Gary H.
- Kahneman Daniel
- Kahneman Daniel,
- Frederick Shane
- Kahneman Daniel,
- Knetsch Jack L.
- List John. A.
- Louviere Jordan J.,
- Hensher David A.,
- Swait Joffre D.
- Magat Wesley A.,
- Viscusi W. Kip,
- Huber Joel
- Shogren Jason F.,
- Margolis Michael,
- Koo Cannon,
- List John A.
- Slovic Paul,
- Finucane Melissa,
- Peters Ellen,
- MacGregor Donald G.
- Slovic Paul,
- Lichtenstein Sarah
- Takatsuka Yuki,
- Kahn James,
- Stewart Steven
- Vickrey William
- Wooldridge Jeffrey M.
In this issue
How Can Behavioral Economics Inform Nonmarket Valuation? An Example from the Preference Reversal Literature
Jonathan E. Alevy, John A. List, Wiktor L. Adamowicz
Land Economics Aug 2011, 87 (3) 365-381; DOI: 10.3368/le.87.3.365
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