Research ArticleArticles
Prices, Land Tenure Institutions, and Geography: A Matching Analysis of Farmland Abandonment in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe
Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Tobias Kuemmerle and Volker C. Radeloff
Land Economics, August 2012, 88 (3) 425-443; DOI:
Jennifer Alix-Garcia
Tobias Kuemmerle
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- Abadie Alberto,
- Drukker David,
- Herr Jane,
- Imbens Guido
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- Aghion Philippe,
- Burgess Robin,
- Redding Stephen,
- Zilibotti Fabrizio
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- Augustyn Maciej
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- Baumann Mathias,
- Kuemmerle Tobias,
- Elbakidze Marine,
- Ozdogan Mutlu,
- Radeloff Volker C.,
- Keuler Nicholas S.,
- Prishchepov Alexander V.,
- Kruhlov Ivan,
- Hostert Patrick
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- Baur Bruno,
- Cremene Cristina,
- Groza Gheorghe,
- Rakosy Laszlo,
- Schileyko Anatoli,
- Baur Anette,
- Stoll Peter,
- Erhardt Andreas
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- Csaki Csaba,
- Lerman Zvi,
- Nucifora Antonio,
- Blaas Gejza
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- Elbakidze Marine,
- Angelstam Per
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- Fischer Stanley,
- Sahay Ratna,
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- Key Nigel,
- de Janvry Alain,
- Sadoulet Elisabeth
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- Kozak Jacek,
- Estreguil Christine,
- Troll Mateusz
- ↵
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- Kuemmerle Tobias,
- Hostert Patrick,
- Radeloff Volker,
- van der Linden Sebastian,
- Perzanowski Kajetan,
- Kruhlov Ivan
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- Kuemmerle Tobias,
- Olofsson Pontus,
- Chaskovskyy Oleh,
- Baumann Matthias,
- Ostapowicz Katarzyna,
- Houghton Richard,
- Hostert Patrick,
- Keeton William,
- Radeloff Volker C.
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- Kuemmerle Tobias,
- Radeloff Volker,
- Perzanowski Kajetan,
- Hostert Patrick
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- Lerman Zvi
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- Lerman Zvi,
- Csaki Csaba,
- Feder Gershon
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- MacDonald D.,
- Crabtree J. R.,
- Wiesinger Georg,
- Dax Thomas,
- Stamou Nikolaos,
- Fleury Philippe,
- Lazpita Juan Gutierrez,
- Gibon Annick
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- Mathijs Erik,
- Swinnen Johan F.
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- Müller Daniel,
- Kuemmerle Tobias,
- Rusu Marioara,
- Griffiths Paul
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- Ostrom Elinor
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- Platteau Jean-Philippe
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- Rozelle Scott,
- Swinnen Johan
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- Sikor Thomas,
- Muller Daniel,
- Stahl Johannes
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- Silver Whendee,
- Ostertag Rebecca,
- Lugo Ariel
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- Simmons Cynthia,
- Walker Robert,
- Perz Stephen,
- Aldrich Stephen,
- Caldas Marcellus,
- Pereira Ritaumaria,
- Leite Flavia,
- Claudio Fernandes Luiz,
- Arima Eugenio
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- Solakoglu Ebru Guvan,
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- Swinnen Johan
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In this issue
Prices, Land Tenure Institutions, and Geography: A Matching Analysis of Farmland Abandonment in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe
Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Tobias Kuemmerle, Volker C. Radeloff
Land Economics Aug 2012, 88 (3) 425-443; DOI: 10.3368/le.88.3.425
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