Table of Contents
November 01, 2012; Volume 88,Issue 4
Alix-garcia, Jennifer M.
- You have accessRestricted accessForest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico’s National Payments for Ecosystem Services ProgramJennifer M. Alix-Garcia, Elizabeth N. Shapiro and Katharine R. E. SimsLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 613-638; DOI: M. Alix-GarciaElizabeth N. Shapiro
Blomquist, Glenn C.
- You have accessRestricted accessEstimating Consumer Willingness to Supply and Willingness to Pay for Curbside RecyclingBrandon C. Koford, Glenn C. Blomquist, David M. Hardesty, Kenneth R. Troske, Margaret Hughes-Morgan and Fred MorganLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 745-763; DOI: C. KofordBrandon C. Koford, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics, Weber State University, Ogden, UtahGlenn C. BlomquistGlenn C. Blomquist, Carl F. Pollard Professor of Health Economics, and professor, Economics and Public Policy Department of Economics and Martin School of Public Policy and Administration, Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky, LexingtonDavid M. HardestyDavid M. Hardesty, Thomas C. Simons Endowed Professor of Marketing School of Management, Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky, LexingtonKenneth R. TroskeKenneth R. Troske, William B. Sturgill Professor of Economics, and director Center for Business and Economic Research, Department of Economics, Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky, LexingtonMargaret Hughes-MorganMargaret Hughes-Morgan, associate professor, Department of Management, Marquette UniversityFred MorganFred Morgan, professor, Department of Marketing, Wayne State University.
Brady, Michael P.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Value of Good Neighbors: A Spatial Analysis of the California and Washington State Wine IndustriesNan Yang, Jill J. McCluskey and Michael P. BradyLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 674-684; DOI: YangJill J. McCluskey
Burnett, Perry
- You have accessRestricted accessUrban Industrial Composition and the Spatial Expansion of CitiesPerry BurnettLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 764-781; DOI:
Colcombet, Luis
- You have accessRestricted accessA Within-Farm Efficiency Comparison of Silvopasture Systems with Conventional Pasture and Forestry in Northeast ArgentinaGregory E. Frey, Hugo E. Fassola, A. Nahuel Pachas, Luis Colcombet, Santiago M. Lacorte, Mitch Renkow, Oscar Pérez and Frederick W. CubbageLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 639-657; DOI: E. FreyHugo E. FassolaA. Nahuel PachasLuis ColcombetSantiago M. LacorteMitch RenkowOscar Pérez
Cubbage, Frederick W.
- You have accessRestricted accessA Within-Farm Efficiency Comparison of Silvopasture Systems with Conventional Pasture and Forestry in Northeast ArgentinaGregory E. Frey, Hugo E. Fassola, A. Nahuel Pachas, Luis Colcombet, Santiago M. Lacorte, Mitch Renkow, Oscar Pérez and Frederick W. CubbageLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 639-657; DOI: E. FreyHugo E. FassolaA. Nahuel PachasLuis ColcombetSantiago M. LacorteMitch RenkowOscar Pérez
Fassola, Hugo E.
- You have accessRestricted accessA Within-Farm Efficiency Comparison of Silvopasture Systems with Conventional Pasture and Forestry in Northeast ArgentinaGregory E. Frey, Hugo E. Fassola, A. Nahuel Pachas, Luis Colcombet, Santiago M. Lacorte, Mitch Renkow, Oscar Pérez and Frederick W. CubbageLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 639-657; DOI: E. FreyHugo E. FassolaA. Nahuel PachasLuis ColcombetSantiago M. LacorteMitch RenkowOscar Pérez
Ferrara, Ida
- You have accessRestricted accessA Cross-Country Study of Household Waste Prevention and Recycling: Assessing the Effectiveness of Policy InstrumentsIda Ferrara and Paul MissiosLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 710-744; DOI:
Ferrini, Silvia
- You have accessRestricted accessGeneralized Additive Models for Nonmarket Valuation via Revealed or Stated Preference MethodsSilvia Ferrini and Carlo FezziLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 782-802; DOI:
Fezzi, Carlo
- You have accessRestricted accessGeneralized Additive Models for Nonmarket Valuation via Revealed or Stated Preference MethodsSilvia Ferrini and Carlo FezziLand Economics, November 2012, 88 (4) 782-802; DOI:
In this issue