Index by author

  1. Anderson, Leif E.

  2. Bellemare, Marc F.

    1. The Productivity Impacts of Formal and Informal Land Rights: Evidence from Madagascar
      Marc F. Bellemare
  3. Coble, Keith H.

  4. Engel, Stefanie

  5. Guignet, Dennis

    1. What Do Property Values Really Tell Us? A Hedonic Study of Underground Storage Tanks
      Dennis Guignet
  6. Henrickson, Kevin E.

    1. The Demand for Spatially Complementary National Parks
      Kevin E. Henrickson and Erica H. Johnson
  7. Jayne, T. S.

  8. Jin, Songqing

  9. Johnson, Erica H.

    1. The Demand for Spatially Complementary National Parks
      Kevin E. Henrickson and Erica H. Johnson
  10. Landry, Craig E.

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