Research ArticleArticles
Land Rental Markets in Kenya: Implications for Efficiency, Equity, Household Income, and Poverty
Songqing Jin and T. S. Jayne
Land Economics, May 2013, 89 (2) 246-271; DOI:

- ↵
- Alston Lee J.,
- Datta Samar K.,
- Nugent Jeffrey B.
- ↵
- Alston Lee J.,
- Libecap Gary D.,
- Schneider Robert
- ↵
- Anderson T.W.,
- Hsiao Cheng
- ↵
- Andre Catherine,
- Platteau Jean-Philippe
- ↵
- Arellano Manuel,
- Bond Stephen
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- Bardhan Pranab K.
- ↵
- Bardhan Pranab K.,
- Udry Chris
- ↵
- Benin Samuel,
- Pender John
- ↵
- Benin Samuel E.,
- Place Frank,
- Nkonya Ephraim M.,
- Pender John L.
- ↵
- Berry R.,
- Cline W.
- ↵
- Besley Timothy
- ↵
- Binswanger Hans P.,
- Rosenzweig Mark R.
- ↵
- ↵
- Brasselle Anne-Sophie,
- Gaspart Frederic,
- Platteau Jean-Philippe
- ↵
- Carter Michael R.
- ↵
- Carter Michael R.,
- Yao Yang
- ↵
- ↵
- Collier Paul,
- Lal Deepak
- ↵
- Deininger Klaus
- ↵
- Deininger Klaus,
- Jin Songqing
- ↵
- Deininger Klaus,
- Jin Songqing
- ↵
- ↵
- de Janvry Alain,
- Fafchamps Marcel,
- Sadoulet Elisabeth
- ↵
- Do Quy-Toan,
- Iyer Lakshmi
- ↵
- Eswaran Mukesh,
- Kotwal Ashok
- ↵
- Feder Gershon
- ↵
- Feder Gershon,
- Feeny David
- ↵
- Gavian Sarah,
- Fafchamps Marcel
- ↵
- Government of Kenya
- ↵
- Hayami Yujiro,
- Otsuka Keijiro
- ↵
- Holden Stein T.,
- Kaarhus Randi,
- Lunduka Rodney
- ↵
- Holden Stein T.,
- Otsuka Keijiro,
- Place Frank
- ↵
- Jacoby Hanan G.,
- Li Guo,
- Rozelle Scott
- ↵
- Jayne T. S.
- ↵
- ↵
- Kimura Shingo,
- Otsuka Keijiro,
- Sonobe Tetsushi,
- Rozelle Scott
- ↵
- Kranton Rachel E.,
- Swamy Anand V.
- ↵
- Loayza Norman,
- Schmidt-Hebbel Klaus,
- Servén Luis
- ↵
- Macours Karen,
- de Janvry Alain,
- Sadoulet Elisabeth
- ↵
- Maluccio John A.
- ↵
- Migot-Adholla Shem E.,
- Benneh George,
- Place Frank,
- Atsu Steven
- ↵
- Mundlak Yair
- ↵
- Nkonya Ephraim,
- Pender John,
- Benin Samuel,
- Kato Edward
- ↵
- Otsuka Keijiro
- ↵
- Otsuka Keijiro,
- Hayami Yujiro
- ↵
- ↵
- Place Frank,
- Hazell Peter
- ↵
- Skoufias Emmanuel
- ↵
- Teklu Tesfaye,
- Lemi Adugna
- ↵
- Tikabo Mahari O.,
- Holden Stein T.,
- Bergland Olvar
- ↵
- Vranken Liesbet,
- Swinnen Johan
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- Wangila J.
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- Wilson R.
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- Woodhouse Philip
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- Wooldridge Jeffrey M.
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- World Bank
- ↵
- Yamano Takashi,
- Place Frank M.,
- Nyangena Wilfred,
- Wanjiku Juliet,
- Otsuka Keijiro
- ↵
In this issue
Land Rental Markets in Kenya: Implications for Efficiency, Equity, Household Income, and Poverty
Songqing Jin, T. S. Jayne
Land Economics May 2013, 89 (2) 246-271; DOI: 10.3368/le.89.2.246
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