Index by author
August 01, 2013; Volume 89,Issue 3
- You have accessRestricted accessAdverse Selection in Reverse Auctions for Ecosystem ServicesMichael A. Arnold, Joshua M. Duke and Kent D. MesserLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 387-412; DOI: A. ArnoldJoshua M. Duke
- You have accessRestricted accessQuasi Experiments, Hedonic Models, and Estimating Trade-offs for Local AmenitiesH. Allen Klaiber and V. Kerry SmithLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 413-431; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessEcopayments and Deforestation in Costa Rica: A Nationwide Analysis of PSA’s Initial YearsJuan Robalino and Alexander PfaffLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 432-448; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAre Community-Nuisance Fiscal Zoning Arrangements Undermined by State Property Tax Reforms? Evidence from Nuclear Power Plants and School Finance EqualizationJustin M. RossLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 449-465; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effects of Environmental Amenities on Agricultural Land ValuesJames R. Wasson, Donald M. McLeod, Christopher T. Bastian and Benjamin S. RashfordLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 466-478; DOI: R. WassonDonald M. McLeodChristopher T. Bastian
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Impacts of the Tax-Deferred Exchange Provision on Farm Real Estate ValuesJohn G. Dillard, Todd H. Kuethe, Craig Dobbins, Michael Boehlje and Raymond J. G. M. FloraxLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 479-489; DOI: G. DillardTodd H. KuetheCraig DobbinsMichael BoehljeRaymond J. G. M. Florax
- You have accessRestricted accessMeasuring the Local Costs of Conservation: A Provision Point Mechanism for Eliciting Willingness to Accept CompensationGlenn Bush, Nick Hanley, Mirko Moro and Daniel RondeauLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 490-513; DOI: BushNick HanleyMirko Moro
- You have accessRestricted accessEstimation of Distance-Decay Functions to Account for Substitution and Spatial Heterogeneity in Stated Preference ResearchMarije Schaafsma, Roy Brouwer, Alison Gilbert, Jeroen van den Bergh and Alfred WagtendonkLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 514-537; DOI: SchaafsmaRoy BrouwerAlison GilbertJeroen van den Bergh
- You have accessRestricted accessProduction Efficiency and Exit in Rights-Based FisheriesKurt E. Schnier and Ronald G. FelthovenLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 538-557; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessDistance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical ForestAnders H. Sirén, Juan-Camilo Cardenas, Peter Hambäck and Kalle ParvinenLand Economics, August 2013, 89 (3) 558-574; DOI: H. SirénJuan-Camilo CardenasPeter Hambäck
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