Research ArticleArticles
The Macroeconomic Impacts of Natural Disasters: The Case of Floods
Juncal Cunado and Susana Ferreira
Land Economics, February 2014, 90 (1) 149-168; DOI:

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- Anbarci Nejat,
- Escaleras Monica,
- Register Charles A.
- ↵
- Becerra Oscar,
- Cavallo Eduardo A.,
- Noy Ilan
- ↵
- Brakenridge G. Robert
- ↵
- Cavallo Eduardo,
- Galiani Sebastian,
- Noy Ilan,
- Pantano Juan
- ↵
- Cavallo Eduardo,
- Noy Ilan
- ↵
- Center for Research of the Epidemiology of Disasters/Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, USAID (CRED/OFDA)
- ↵
- Escaleras Monica,
- Anbarci Nejat,
- Register Charles A.
- ↵
- Escaleras Monica,
- Register Charles A.
- ↵
- ↵
- Ferreira Susana,
- Hamilton Kirk,
- Vincent Jeffrey R.
- ↵
- Fomby Thomas,
- Ikeda Yuki,
- Loayza Norman V.
- ↵
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Center for International Forestry Research (FAO/CIFOR)
- ↵
- Guha-Sapir Debby,
- Femke Vos,
- Regina Below,
- Ponserre Sylvain
- ↵
- Hochrainer S
- ↵
- Im Kyung So,
- Pesaran M. Hashem,
- Shin Yongcheol
- ↵
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- ↵
- Kahn Matthew E.
- ↵
- Keefer Philip,
- Neumayer Eric,
- Plümper Thomans
- ↵
- Keen Benjamin D.,
- Pakko Michael R.
- ↵
- Kellenberg Derek K.,
- Mobarak Ahmed M.
- ↵
- Levin Andrew,
- Lin Chien-Fu,
- Chu Chia-Shang J.
- ↵
- Levine Ross,
- Renelt David
- ↵
- Loayza Norman V.,
- Olaberria Eduardo,
- Rigolini Jamele,
- Christiaensen Luc
- ↵
- Melecky Martin,
- Raddatz Claudio
- ↵
- Raddatz Claudio
- ↵
- Raddatz Claudio
- ↵
- Romer Paul M.
- ↵
- Sims Christopher A.
- ↵
- Skidmore Mark,
- Toya Hideki
- ↵
- United Nations
- ↵
- Wetherald Richard T.,
- Manabe Syukuro
- ↵
- World Bank
In this issue
Land Economics
Vol. 90, Issue 1
1 Feb 2014
The Macroeconomic Impacts of Natural Disasters: The Case of Floods
Juncal Cunado, Susana Ferreira
Land Economics Feb 2014, 90 (1) 149-168; DOI: 10.3368/le.90.1.149
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