Index by author
May 01, 2014; Volume 90,Issue 2
Ando, Amy W.
- You have accessRestricted accessValuing Grassland Restoration: Proximity to Substitutes and Trade-offs among Conservation AttributesSahan T. M. Dissanayake and Amy W. AndoLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 237-259; DOI:
Bell, Clive
- You have accessRestricted accessHow Does India’s Rural Roads Program Affect the Grassroots? Findings from a Survey in Upland OrissaClive Bell and Susanne van DillenLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 372-394; DOI:
Ciaian, Pavel
- You have accessRestricted accessCapitalization of the Single Payment Scheme into Land Value: Generalized Propensity Score Evidence from the European UnionJerzy Michalek, Pavel Ciaian and d’Artis KancsLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 260-289; DOI: MichalekPavel Ciaian
Czajkowski, Mikolaj
- You have accessRestricted accessLearning and Fatigue Effects Revisited: Investigating the Effects of Accounting for Unobservable Preference and Scale HeterogeneityMikolaj Czajkowski, Marek Giergiczny and William H. GreeneLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 324-351; DOI: CzajkowskiMarek Giergiczny
Deltas, George
- You have accessRestricted accessDoes Pollution Prevention Reduce Toxic Releases? A Dynamic Panel Data ModelDonna Ramirez Harrington, George Deltas and Madhu KhannaLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 199-221; DOI: Ramirez HarringtonGeorge Deltas
Dissanayake, Sahan T. M.
- You have accessRestricted accessValuing Grassland Restoration: Proximity to Substitutes and Trade-offs among Conservation AttributesSahan T. M. Dissanayake and Amy W. AndoLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 237-259; DOI:
Droppelmann, Klaus
- You have accessRestricted accessResettlement for Food Security’s Sake: Insights from a Malawi Land Reform ProjectValerie Mueller, Agnes Quisumbing, Hak Lim Lee and Klaus DroppelmannLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 222-236; DOI: MuellerAgnes QuisumbingHak Lim Lee
Giergiczny, Marek
- You have accessRestricted accessLearning and Fatigue Effects Revisited: Investigating the Effects of Accounting for Unobservable Preference and Scale HeterogeneityMikolaj Czajkowski, Marek Giergiczny and William H. GreeneLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 324-351; DOI: CzajkowskiMarek Giergiczny
Gilbert, Ben
- You have accessRestricted accessTechnological Change and Managerial Ability: Evidence from a Malaysian Artisanal FisheryBen Gilbert and Bee Hong YeoLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 352-371; DOI:
Greene, William H.
- You have accessRestricted accessLearning and Fatigue Effects Revisited: Investigating the Effects of Accounting for Unobservable Preference and Scale HeterogeneityMikolaj Czajkowski, Marek Giergiczny and William H. GreeneLand Economics, May 2014, 90 (2) 324-351; DOI: CzajkowskiMarek Giergiczny