Index by author
February 01, 2015; Volume 91,Issue 1
- You have accessRestricted accessIs What You See What You Get? The Value of Natural Landscape ViewsMargaret Walls, Carolyn Kousky and Ziyan ChuLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 1-19; DOI: WallsCarolyn Kousky
- You have accessRestricted accessSequence Effects in the Valuation of Multiple Environmental Programs Using the Contingent Valuation MethodAlberto Longo, David Hoyos and Anil MarkandyaLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 20-35; DOI: LongoDavid Hoyos
- You have accessRestricted accessConservation Payments under UncertaintyStefanie Engel, Charles Palmer, Luca Taschini and Simon UrechLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 36-56; DOI: EngelCharles PalmerLuca Taschini
- You have accessRestricted accessDynamic Entry, Reverse Auctions, and the Purchase of Environmental ServicesJacob R. Fooks, Kent D. Messer and Joshua M. DukeLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 57-75; DOI: R. FooksKent D. Messer
- You have accessRestricted accessBundles, Duties, and Rights: A Revised Framework for Analysis of Natural Resource Property Rights RegimesChristopher S. Galik and Pamela JaggerLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 76-90; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessProperty Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in VietnamCarol Newman, Finn Tarp and Katleen van den BroeckLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 91-105; DOI: NewmanFinn Tarp
- You have accessRestricted accessAllocation of Land Tenure Rights in Tigray: How Large Is the Gender Bias?Therese DokkenLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 106-125; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPartial Land Rights and Agricultural Outcomes: Evidence from ThailandThanyaporn ChankrajangLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 126-148; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessProtected Area Effectiveness in European Russia: A Postmatching Panel Data AnalysisKelly J. Wendland, Matthias Baumann, David J. Lewis, Anika Sieber and Volker C. RadeloffLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 149-168; DOI: J. WendlandMatthias BaumannDavid J. LewisAnika Sieber
- You have accessRestricted accessHidden Flexibility: Institutions, Incentives, and the Margins of Selectivity in FishingJoshua K. Abbott, Alan C. Haynie and Matthew N. ReimerLand Economics, February 2015, 91 (1) 169-195; DOI: K. AbbottAlan C. Haynie