Index by author
May 01, 2015; Volume 91,Issue 2
Ali, Daniel Ayalew
- You have accessRestricted accessIs There a Farm Size–Productivity Relationship in African Agriculture? Evidence from RwandaDaniel Ayalew Ali and Klaus DeiningerLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 317-343; DOI:
Chalak, Morteza
- You have accessRestricted accessRestoring Native Vegetation in an Agricultural Landscape: Spatial Optimization for Woodland BirdsMaksym Polyakov, David J. Pannell, Morteza Chalak, Geoff Park, Anna Roberts and Alexei D. RowlesLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 252-271; DOI: PolyakovDavid J. PannellMorteza ChalakGeoff ParkAnna Roberts
Coble, Keith H.
- You have accessRestricted accessWind Insurance and Mitigation in the Coastal ZoneDaniel R. Petrolia, Joonghyun Hwang, Craig E. Landry and Keith H. CobleLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 272-295; DOI: R. PetroliaJoonghyun HwangCraig E. Landry
Deininger, Klaus
- You have accessRestricted accessIs There a Farm Size–Productivity Relationship in African Agriculture? Evidence from RwandaDaniel Ayalew Ali and Klaus DeiningerLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 317-343; DOI:
Gordon, Daniel V.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Norwegian Winter Herring Fishery: A Story of Technological Progress and Stock CollapseDaniel V. Gordon and Rögnvaldur HannessonLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 362-385; DOI:
Hanley, Nick
- You have accessRestricted accessIncorporating Outcome Uncertainty and Prior Outcome Beliefs in Stated PreferencesThomas Lundhede, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Nick Hanley, Niels Strange and Bo Jellesmark ThorsenLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 296-316; DOI: LundhedeJette Bredahl JacobsenNick HanleyNiels Strange
Hannesson, Rögnvaldur
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Norwegian Winter Herring Fishery: A Story of Technological Progress and Stock CollapseDaniel V. Gordon and Rögnvaldur HannessonLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 362-385; DOI:
Howarth, Richard B.
- You have accessRestricted accessBiomass Energy and Climate Neutrality: The Case of the Northern ForestShana M. McDermott, Richard B. Howarth and David A. LutzLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 197-210; DOI: M. McDermottRichard B. Howarth
Hwang, Joonghyun
- You have accessRestricted accessWind Insurance and Mitigation in the Coastal ZoneDaniel R. Petrolia, Joonghyun Hwang, Craig E. Landry and Keith H. CobleLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 272-295; DOI: R. PetroliaJoonghyun HwangCraig E. Landry
Jacobsen, Jette Bredahl
- You have accessRestricted accessIncorporating Outcome Uncertainty and Prior Outcome Beliefs in Stated PreferencesThomas Lundhede, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Nick Hanley, Niels Strange and Bo Jellesmark ThorsenLand Economics, May 2015, 91 (2) 296-316; DOI: LundhedeJette Bredahl JacobsenNick HanleyNiels Strange
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