Index by author
August 01, 2015; Volume 91,Issue 3
- You have accessRestricted accessMigration Pressure, Tenure Security, and Agricultural Intensification: Evidence from IndonesiaMichael Grimm and Stephan KlasenLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 411-434; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessResistance to the Regulation of Common Water Resources in Rural TunisiaXiaoying Liu, Mare Sarr and Timothy SwansonLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 435-459; DOI: LiuMare Sarr
- You have accessRestricted accessLand Ownership as Insurance and the Market for Land: A Study in Rural VietnamGwendoline PromsophaLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 460-478; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessGendered Perceptions of Land Ownership and Agricultural Decision-making in Ecuador: Who Are the Farm Managers?Jennifer Twyman, Pilar Useche and Carmen Diana DeereLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 479-500; DOI: TwymanPilar Useche
- You have accessRestricted accessReducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Leakage or Synergy?Philippe Delacote and Arild AngelsenLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 501-515; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessSpeculative Bubble Spillovers across Regional Housing MarketsOgonna Nneji, Chris Brooks and Charles W. R. WardLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 516-535; DOI: NnejiChris Brooks
- You have accessRestricted accessEconomic and Spatial Effects of Land Value Taxation in an Urban Area: An Urban Computable General Equilibrium ApproachKi-Whan Choi and David L. SjoquistLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 536-555; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Adding-up Test on Contingent Valuations of River and Lake QualityWilliam Desvousges, Kristy Mathews and Kenneth TrainLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 556-571; DOI: DesvousgesKristy Mathews
- You have accessRestricted accessAgricultural Land and the Small Parcel Size Premium PuzzleB. Wade Brorsen, Damona Doye and Kalyn B. NealLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 572-585; DOI: Wade BrorsenDamona Doye
- You have accessRestricted accessAccounting for Response Biases in Latent-Class Models for Choices and AttitudesMaria A. Cunha-e-Sá, Luis C. Nunes and Vladimir OtrachshenkoLand Economics, August 2015, 91 (3) 586-603; DOI: A. Cunha-e-SáLuis C. Nunes