PES Impact and Leakages over Several Cohorts: The Case of the PSA-H in Yucatan, Mexico

Gwenolé Le Velly, Alexandre Sauquet and Sergio Cortina-Villar


We assess the impact of the PSA-H, a payment for environmental services scheme implemented in Mexico over the 2005–2012 period. By studying several cohorts of program beneficiaries we are able to shed light on the permanence of the program’s impact. Based on the exploitation of 2.5 to 20 m resolution SPOT images and ejido surveys carried out in 76 ejidos located in the Cono Sur of Yucatan, we find that the program’s effects cease on lands after they are withdrawn from the program. We also find evidence of leakages. We discuss these results for future impact evaluations and from a policy perspective. (JEL Q23, Q28)

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