Index by author

  1. Ang, James B.

    1. Crop Yield and Democracy
      James B. Ang, Per G. Fredriksson and Satyendra Kumar Gupta
  2. Auffhammer, Maximilian

    1. The Economic Impact of Critical-Habitat Designation: Evidence from Vacant-Land Transactions
      Maximilian Auffhammer, Maya Duru, Edward Rubin and David L. Sunding
  3. Duru, Maya

    1. The Economic Impact of Critical-Habitat Designation: Evidence from Vacant-Land Transactions
      Maximilian Auffhammer, Maya Duru, Edward Rubin and David L. Sunding
  4. Feng, Xiaoguang

    1. Farmland Investment Characteristics from a Forward-Looking Perspective: An Explanation for the “High Return/Low Risk” Paradox
      Xiaoguang Feng and Dermot J. Hayes
  5. Filippova, Olga

    1. Who Cares? Future Sea Level Rise and House Prices
      Olga Filippova, Cuong Nguyen, Ilan Noy and Michael Rehm
  6. Fredriksson, Per G.

    1. Crop Yield and Democracy
      James B. Ang, Per G. Fredriksson and Satyendra Kumar Gupta
  7. Gupta, Satyendra Kumar

    1. Crop Yield and Democracy
      James B. Ang, Per G. Fredriksson and Satyendra Kumar Gupta
  8. Hayes, Dermot J.

    1. Farmland Investment Characteristics from a Forward-Looking Perspective: An Explanation for the “High Return/Low Risk” Paradox
      Xiaoguang Feng and Dermot J. Hayes
  9. Herriges, Joseph A.

    1. The Response of Recreation Demand to Recessionary Forces: Evidence from Local Lake Usage
      Mohammad Mainul Hoque, Joseph A. Herriges and Catherine L. Kling
  10. Hoque, Mohammad Mainul

    1. The Response of Recreation Demand to Recessionary Forces: Evidence from Local Lake Usage
      Mohammad Mainul Hoque, Joseph A. Herriges and Catherine L. Kling
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