Research ArticleArticles
The Economic Impact of Critical-Habitat Designation: Evidence from Vacant-Land Transactions
Maximilian Auffhammer, Maya Duru, Edward Rubin and David L. Sunding
Land Economics, March 2020, 96 (2) 188-206; DOI:
Maximilian Auffhammer
National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and George Pardee Jr. Professor of Sustainable Development, University of California, Berkeley;
Roles: Research associate
Maya Duru
Department of Education, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
Roles: Associate director
Edward Rubin
Department of Economics, University of Oregon, Eugene;
Roles: Assistant professor
David L. Sunding
Thomas J. Graff Professor of Natural Resources, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley;
In this issue
Land Economics
Vol. 96, Issue 2
1 Mar 2020
The Economic Impact of Critical-Habitat Designation: Evidence from Vacant-Land Transactions
Maximilian Auffhammer, Maya Duru, Edward Rubin, David L. Sunding
Land Economics Mar 2020, 96 (2) 188-206; DOI: 10.3368/le.96.2.188