Open Access

Flood Risk Perception in the Housing Market and the Impact of a Major Flood Event

Hannah Hennighausen and Jordan F. Suter

Article Figures & Data

  • Table 1

    Flood Insurance Premiums for Single Family Pre- and Post-FIRM SFHA Properties (Dollars)

    Building CoverageContents CoveragePre-FIRM Annual PremiumPre-FIRM Premium NPVPost-FIRM Annual PremiumPost-FIRM Premium NPV
    • Note: Rates calculated for properties without basements. Pre-FIRM rates are for valid properties built prior to the first floodplain regulations in 1969. Premium net present value (NPV) calculated into perpetuity assuming constant premium rates, yearly payments, and a discount rate of 3%. Post-FIRM payments calculated assuming property has one flood and that the flood is at the same elevation as the base flood elevation. FIRM, Flood Insurance Rate Map; SFHA, Special Flood Hazard Area.

  • Table 2

    Variables and Summary Statistics

    VariableDescriptionMeanStd. Dev.Min.Max.
    PriceProperty sale price in unadjusted U.S. dollars424,036284,92450,0004,724,509
      SFHA1 if building is in the Special Flood Hazard Area, 0 otherwise0.040.1901
      Postflood1 if sale occurred after the 2013 flood, 0 otherwise0.470.5001
      Inundated1 if building is located inside the inundation boundary, 0 otherwise0.030.1701
      500yrFP1 if building is in the 500-year floodplain, 0 otherwise0.070.2501
      Stream0to600ft1 if building is within 600 feet of a stream, 0 otherwise0.090.2801
      Stream601to1800ft1 if building is between 601 and 1,800 feet of a stream, 0 otherwise0.240.4301
      Stream1801to5000ft1 if building is between 1,801 and 5,000 feet of a stream, 0 otherwise0.200.4001
      Stream5001to8000ft 1 if building is between 5,001 and 8,000 feet of a stream, 0 otherwise0.140.3501
      Dist2LakeParcel distance to lakes and reservoirs in feet     738      47702,474
      Dist2OpenSpaceParcel distance to open space areas in feet     998      85513,840
      Dist2TrailheadBuilding distance to closest trailhead in feet10,135   5,55137829,948
      Dist2Road Building distance to main road in feet     756      553413,307
      ElevationElevation of parcel centroid in feet  4,944      7534,50010,260
      AgeAge of building in years       37        241151
      SqftFinished square footage of the building  1,884      89132411,657
      LotsizeLot size in acres0.171.820.0169
      CarStorage1 if property has car storage, 0 otherwise0.930.2501
      FinishedBasement1 if building has a finished basement, 0 otherwise0.600.4901
      NumberBedroomsThe number of bedrooms a building has     4       1012
      NumberFullBathsThe number of full baths a building has     2       0.8407
      Number3qtrBathsThe number of 3/4 baths a building has     1       0.7209
      VeryGoodQuality1 if building is listed as very good quality or above, 0 otherwise     0.11       0.3101
    • Note: For the analysis, Price, Dist2Stream, Dist2OpenSpace, Dist2Road, Sqft, and Lotsize were transformed with natural logs. Age was transformed by squaring the variable.

  • Table 3

    Flood Risk Effect on Property Prices

    No Inundation
    Inundation as a Control Variable
    Inundation as a Moderating Variable
    SFHA–0.063*** (0.019)–0.057*** (0.020)–0.042* (0.023)
    Inundated–0.024 (0.023)  0.020 (0.027)
    SFHA × Inundated–0.083* (0.046)
    SFHA × Postflood–0.001 (0.034)  0.023 (0.031)  0.053* (0.031)
    Inundated × Postflood–0.061* (0.036)–0.017 (0.032)
    SFHA × Inundated × Postflood–0.121 (0.083)
    Structure and location characteristicsYesYesYes
    Municipality fixed effectsYesYesYes
    Census block group fixed effectsYesYesYes
    Year-quarter fixed effectsYesYesYes
    Total Marginal Effects
       Average inside the SFHA–0.063*** (0.019)–0.057*** (0.020)
       Average inside the inundation boundary–0.024 (0.023)
       Inundated inside the SFHA–0.105*** (0.031)
       Near miss–0.042* (0.023)
       Inundated outside the SFHA  0.020 (0.027)
       Average inside the SFHA–0.063** (0.032)–0.034 (0.028) 
       Average inside the inundation boundary–0.085*** (0.033)
       Inundated inside the SFHA–0.190*** (0.066)
       Near miss  0.011 (0.026)
      Inundated outside the SFHA  0.003 (0.025)
    • Note: The dependent variable is the natural log of the price. White (1980) robust standard errors in parentheses. Clustering at the floodplain-by-inundation-zone-by-census-tract-by-year level. SFHA, Special Flood Hazard Area.

    • * p < 0.10;

    • ** p < 0.05;

    • *** p < 0.01.

  • Table 4

    Testing for Compositional Differences by Treatment Group

    Treatment DefinitionMean Preflood Quantity IndexMean Postflood Quantity IndexWelch t-Test p-Value
    Embedded Image5.522 (5.439, 5.606)5.570 (5.469, 5.671)0.476
    Embedded Image5.311 (5.262, 5.361)5.322 (5.265, 5.380)0.781
    Embedded Image5.296 (5.233, 5.359)5.303 (5.230, 5.378)0.876
    Embedded Image5.353 (5.344, 5.362)5.343 (5.333, 5.353)0.143
    • Note: The first two columns report the mean quantity index for each risk group, before and after the flood; 95% confidence intervals surrounding the means are given in parentheses. The last column reports the p-values from a Welch two-sample t-test comparing the pre- and postflood means. The null hypothesis of the Welch two-sample t-test is that the true difference in means is equal to zero.