Research ArticleArticles
Payment and Policy Consequentiality in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation: Experimental Design Effects on Self-Reported Perceptions
Tobias Börger, Tenaw G. Abate, Margrethe Aanesen and Ewa Zawojska
Land Economics, May 2021, 97 (2) 407-424; DOI:
Tobias Börger
Department of Business and Economics, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany; Economics Division, University of Stirling, United Kingdom;
Roles: Professor
Tenaw G. Abate
Department of Environmental Science, University of Aarhus, Roskilde, Denmark;
Roles: Postdoctoral Researcher
Margrethe Aanesen
Norwegian College of Fisheries Sciences, Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø;
Roles: Professor
Ewa Zawojska
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland;
Roles: Assistant Professor

- ↵
- Abate, Tenaw G.,
- TobiasBörger,
- MargretheAanesen,
- JannikeFalk-Andersson,
- Kayleigh J.Wyles, and
- Nicola J.Beaumont
- ↵
- Beaumont, Nicola J.,
- MargretheAanesen,
- Melanie C.Austen,
- TobiasBörger,
- James R.Clark,
- MatthewCole,
- TaraHooper,
- Penelope K.Lindeque,
- ChristinePascoe, and
- Kayleigh J.Wyles
- ↵
- Bergmann, Melanie,
- NadjaSandhop,
- IngoSchewe, and
- DiederikDHert
- ↵
- Bergmann, Melanie,
- BirgitLutz,
- Mine B.Tekman, and
- LarsGutow
- ↵
- Budzi´nski, Wiktor, and
- MikołajCzajkowski
- ↵
- Budzi´nski, Wiktor,
- MikołajCzajkowski, and
- EwaZawojska
- ↵
- ↵
- Carson, Richard T.,
- W. MichaelHanemann,
- Raymond J.Kopp,
- Jon A.Krosnick,
- RobertCameron Mitchell,
- StanleyPresser,
- Paul A.Ruud,
- V. KerrySmith,
- MichaelConaway, and
- KerryMartin
- ↵
- Champ, Patricia A.,
- Nicholas E.Flores,
- Thomas C.Brown, and
- JamesChivers
- ↵
- Czajkowski, Mikołaj,
- Christian A.Vossler,
- WiktorBudzi´nski,
- AnnaWi´sniewska, and
- EwaZawojska
- ↵
- Flores, Nicholas E., and
- AaronStrong
- ↵
- Forbes, Keldi,
- PeterBoxall,
- Wiktor L.Adamowicz, and
- AlejandroDe Maio Sukic
- ↵
- Groothuis, Peter A.,
- Tanga M.Mohr,
- John C.Whitehead, and
- KristanCockerill
- ↵
- He, Jie,
- JérômeDupras,
- FranckNdefo, and
- ThomasPoder
- ↵
- ↵
- Hwang, Joonghyun,
- Daniel R.Petrolia, and
- Matthew G.Interis
- ↵
- Interis, Matthew G., and
- Daniel R.Petrolia
- ↵
- Johnston, Robert J.,
- Kevin J.Boyle,
- WiktorAdamowicz,
- JeffBennett,
- RoyBrouwer,
- Trudy A.Cameron,
- W. MichaelHanemann,
- NickHanley,
- MandyRyan,
- RicardoScarpa,
- RogerTourangeau, and
- Christian A.Vossler
- ↵
- Li, Xiaogu,
- Kimberley L.Jensen,
- Dayton M.Lambert, and
- Christopher D.Clark
- ↵
- Lloyd-Smith, Patrick,
- WiktorAdamowicz, and
- DianeDupont
- ↵
- Lusher, Amy
- ↵
- Lusher, Amy L.,
- ValentinaTirelli,
- IanOConnor, and
- RickOfficer
- ↵
- Mitani, Yohei, and
- Nicholas E.Flores
- ↵
- Mitani, Yohei, and
- Nicholas E.Flores
- ↵
- Needham, Katherine, and
- NickHanley
- ↵
- Oehlmann, Malte, and
- JürgenMeyerhoff
- ↵
- Stafford, Richard, and
- Peter J. S.Jones
- ↵
- Trevail, Alice M.,
- Geir W.Gabrielsen,
- SusanneKühn, and
- Jan A.Van Franeker
- ↵
- ↵
- Vossler, Christian A., and
- J. ScottHolladay
- ↵
- Vossler, Christian A., and
- Sharon B.Watson
- ↵
- Wilde, Joachim
- ↵
- Zawojska, Ewa,
- AnnaBartczak, and
- MikołajCzajkowski
In this issue
Land Economics
Vol. 97, Issue 2
1 May 2021
Payment and Policy Consequentiality in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation: Experimental Design Effects on Self-Reported Perceptions
Tobias Börger, Tenaw G. Abate, Margrethe Aanesen, Ewa Zawojska
Land Economics May 2021, 97 (2) 407-424; DOI: 10.3368/le.97.2.407