Note: The base category for comparing estimates is a landlord’s owner-operated plot(s). Standard errors are in parentheses. Models include a constant and district-level FEs. Districts are not completely collinear with the rental-pair location because we found four cases of tenants and landlord pairs residing in different districts. The number of observations = 948, with 169 matched tenant-landlord pairs; and are compared with the landlord’s owner-cultivated plot.
↵***, **, * Significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
Note: The base category for comparing estimates is a landlord’s owner-operated plot(s). Standard errors are in parentheses. Models include a constant and district-level FEs. Districts are not completely collinear with the rental-pair location because we found four cases of tenants and landlord pairs residing in different districts. The number of observations = 948, with 169 matched tenant-landlord pairs; and are compared with the landlord’s owner-cultivated plot.
↵***, **, * Significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
Note: Standard errors are in parentheses. Models include a constant and district-level FEs. Districts are not completely collinear with the rental-pair location because we found four cases of tenants and landlord pairs residing in different districts. The number of observations = 245, with 137 owner-operated plots and 108 rented-out plots.
↵***, **, * Significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.