Location (ref. your property) | On your neighbors’ property | 0.152* | 0.052 | 0.157 | 0.232 |
On the other side of your county | 0.382*** | 0.000 | 0.409*** | 0.003 |
Neighbor compensation (ref. no compensation) | Receive equal compensation amounts as | 0.548*** | 0.000 | 0.569*** | 0.001 |
the landowner hosting the turbines Receive some compensation | 0.907*** | 0.000 | 0.967*** | 0.000 |
Ownership structure (ref. private utility company) | Your municipality | 0.282*** | 0.000 | 0.297** | 0.016 |
A local cooperative | 0.418*** | 0.000 | 0.453*** | 0.000 |
Inclusion (ref. landowners with turbines only) | Only neighbors who are directly affected | 0.723*** | 0.000 | 0.730*** | 0.000 |
All county residents | 0.584*** | 0.000 | 0.602*** | 0.000 |
Influence (ref. express concerns only) | Express concern and potentially sway | −0.257*** | 0.001 | −0.297** | 0.016 |
Have direct say | −0.083 | 0.285 | −0.102 | 0.366 |
Access to information (ref. confidential) | Will be made available to some affected | 0.323*** | 0.000 | 0.371*** | 0.003 |
Will be publicly available | 0.303*** | 0.000 | 0.331*** | 0.006 |
Climate concern (environmental attitude) | | | | 0.659*** | 0.006 |
Community excitement about new wind farms (norm) | | | | 1.878*** | 0.000 |
Experience with wind farms (history) | | | | −0.075 | 0.338 |
Age (young) | | | | 0.734 | 0.225 |
Knowledge about wind energy | | | | 0.395*** | 0.000 |
Small land holding (farm size) | | | | 0.541** | 0.032 |
Conservative political views | | | | 0.574** | 0.023 |
Constant | | 4.377*** | 0.000 | 2.730*** | 0.000 |
Number of vignettes | | 2,406 | | 2,226 | |
Number of respondents | | 401 | | 371 | |
Log-likelihood | | −10,841.88 | | −5,237.74 | |
SD random effect | | 2.621 | | 1.933 | |
SD error | | 2.028 | | 2.212 | |
Intraclass correlation | | 0.625 | | 0.605 | |