Land Economics has a web-based manuscript submission system. Our system will ask you to register, and then you may submit your manuscript electronically. Once you are registered, future submissions will be simple and routine.
Land Economics charges a submission fee of $100 to consider all initial submissions. (No fee is charged for invited revisions.) This fee is nonrefundable and does not guarantee that the manuscript will be sent to outside reviewers. Please be certain that your manuscript falls within the purview of the Land Economics before submitting it. Researchers for whom the submission fee would cause a significant economic hardship may request an exemption.
The link to our submission web site is:
The manuscript should be a maximum of 35 pages of text (10,000 words, more or less), excluding references, tables, figures, notes, and appendixes. Please limit the combined number of figures and tables to seven. Appendix material (comprising any combination of text, tables, and figures) may be included as an online supplement.
The manuscript file should be in MS Word and organized as follows: title page, abstract of 100 words or less, text, references, tables, figure titles, and grouped footnotes. Any figures should be in separate files and should be black-and-white and of high resolution with a minimum dpi of 300; however, 600 dpi is preferable. Online appendix material will not be copyedited and so should be submitted in final form as one MS Word file, including all tables and figures. Color figures are welcome in supplemental material.
Please also submit a cover letter with your manuscript that includes the manuscript title and the names and affiliations of each author. it is helpful for the editors if you note in the cover letter why the journal is a good fit for your study.
Land Economics is primarily interested in the policy implications of the work we publish, and therefore it is important that all papers have a strong empirical component. It is impossible to derive coherent policy conclusions from purely axiomatic models because such models lack connection to empirical reality. With that in mind, papers lacking empirical content are discouraged.
It is the policy of Land Economics to publish papers only on the condition that the data used in the analysis are (1) clearly and precisely documented, (2) readily available to any researcher for purposes of replication, and (3) sufficiently detailed in the specifics of computation to permit replication. Appearance of an article in Land Economics constitutes evidence that authors understand these conditions and will abide by the stated requirements.
Statement on Gold Open Access
Land Economics offers the option of gold open access (OA) to articles published in the journal. This means that after an article has gone through peer review and is accepted, the published version would be eligible to be made freely available via open access, for a fee. The authors, or their institutions, or funding bodies, must pay an article processing fee to help defray the costs of publication. The electronic version of the article will then appear on the journal website, free for readers to access without a paywall, in perpetuity and without an embargo. Gold OA articles are published under the CC-BY-ND-NC license, which allows sharing and access, but does not allow republication, commercial use, or distribution. A less restrictive CC license may be negotiated with the publisher separately for a higher fee. Articles can also be made open access at any point after they have been published in the journal, even if some time has passed since initial publication. Please direct questions about open access to the editorial contact.
OA fee information and payment options
UW Press Journals permissions page
Publishing Fees
We accept publishing fees for gold open access (OA) and page fees. Page fees are requested when a research grant or other institutional funds are available to underwrite publication costs. Ability to pay is not a condition for acceptance of a manuscript. To pay online, please go to: or email [email protected] for assistance.