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- You have accessRestricted accessHow Does Congestion Affect the Evaluation of Recreational Gate Fees? An Application to Gulf Coast BeachesRoger H. von Haefen and Frank LupiLand Economics, August 2022, 98 (3) 495-508; DOI: H. von HaefenDepartment of Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh; Interim Director, Center for Environmental and Resource Economic Policy, North Carolina State University, Raleigh;Roles: ProfessorFrank LupiDepartment of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing;Roles: Professor
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- You have accessRestricted accessThe Impact of Property Rights to Fish on Remote Communities in AlaskaSara A. Sutherland and Eric C. EdwardsLand Economics, May 2022, 98 (2) 239-253; DOI: A. SutherlandSanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina;Roles: LecturerEric C. EdwardsDepartment of Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh;Roles: Assistant Professor
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- Open AccessPotential Supply of Midwest Cropland for Conversion to In-Field Prairie StripsZachary R. Luther, Scott M. Swinton and Braeden Van DeynzeLand Economics, May 2022, 98 (2) 274-291; DOI: R. LutherDepartment of Economics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee;Roles: Ph.D. studentScott M. SwintonDepartment of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing;Roles: Chairperson and University Distinguished ProfessorBraeden Van DeynzeSchool of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle;Roles: Postdoctoral Research Associate
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- You have accessRestricted accessInformation Use and Its Effects on the Valuation of Agricultural Genetic ResourcesAnnika Tienhaara, Heini Ahtiainen, Eija Pouta and Mikołaj CzajkowskiLand Economics, May 2022, 98 (2) 337-354; DOI: TienhaaraNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki;Roles: Research ScientistHeini AhtiainenNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki;Roles: Senior ScientistEija PoutaNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki;Roles: ProfessorMikołaj CzajkowskiDepartment of Economics, University of Warsaw; Environmental Center, Charles University, Prague;Roles: Professor
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- Open AccessDeforestation and Smallholder Income: Evidence from Remittances to NepalMan Li, Wei Zhang, Zhe Guo and Prapti BhandaryLand Economics, May 2022, 98 (2) 376-398; DOI: LiDepartment of Applied Economics, Utah State University, Logan;Roles: Assistant ProfessorWei ZhangInternational Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC;Roles: Senior Research FellowZhe GuoInternational Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC;Roles: Senior GIS CoordinatorPrapti BhandaryConservation International, Arlington, Virginia;Roles: Manager, Project Support, Monitoring, and Evaluation