Fat Tails, Flat Tails, and Willingness to Pay

Kriström Revisited

Lynne Y. Lewis, Leslie Richardson and John C. Whitehead

Article Information

Print ISSN 
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  • Published online March 25, 2024.


Author Information

  1. Lynne Y. Lewis, Professor
  1. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University
  2. Elmer W. Campbell Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Bates College
  1. Corresponding Author lylewis{at}colostate.edu, 207-939-5364
  1. Leslie Richardson, Economist
  1. National Park Service, 1201 Oakridge Dr. Fort Collins, CO 80525, leslie_a_richardson{at}nps.gov, 970-821-5352
  1. John C. Whitehead, Professor
  1. Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608, whiteheadjc{at}appstate.edu, 828-773-5049