Research ArticleArticles
The Trade-off between Yield and Nitrogen Pollution under Excessive Rainfall
Evidence from On-farm Field Experiments in Iowa
Eseul Choi, Guilherme DePaula, Peter Kyveryga and Suzanne Fey
Published online before print November 30, 2024, 022024-0015R; DOI:
Guilherme DePaula
Department of Economics and Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Iowa State University. [email protected]
Roles: Assistant Professor
Peter Kyveryga
Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University. [email protected]
Roles: Affiliate Associate Professor
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In this issue
Land Economics
Vol. 100, Issue 4
1 Nov 2024
The Trade-off between Yield and Nitrogen Pollution under Excessive Rainfall
Eseul Choi, Guilherme DePaula, Peter Kyveryga, Suzanne Fey
Land Economics Nov 2024, 022024-0015R; DOI: 10.3368/le.101.2.022024-0015R
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