Enrollment Restrictions and Conservation Practice Adoptions by Midwestern Farmers

Survey Evidence from Iowa

Xiaolan Wan [Ph.D. Candidate], Gregory Howard and Wendong Zhang

Article Information

Print ISSN 
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  • Published online November 30, 2024.

Author Information

  1. Xiaolan Wan, Ph.D. Candidate1,
  2. Gregory Howard, Associate Professor2, and
  3. Wendong Zhang, Assistant Professor3
  1. 1Department of Economics, Iowa State University, 65 Heady Hall, 518 Farm House Lane, Ames, IA 50011, [email protected], 515-294-4299
  2. 2Department of Economics, East Carolina University, Brewster A-427, Mailstop 580 Greenville, NC 27858, [email protected], 252-737-4318
  3. 3Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, 461 Warren Hall, 137 Reservoir Ave, Ithaca, NY 14853, [email protected], 607-254-3231