RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Multiple-Bounded Uncertainty Choice Data as Probabilistic Intentions JF Land Economics JO Land Econ FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 549 OP 560 DO 10.2307/3147299 VO 79 IS 4 A1 Evans, Mary F. A1 Flores, Nicholas E. A1 Boyle, Kevin J. YR 2003 UL http://le.uwpress.org/content/79/4/549.abstract AB The multiple-bounded uncertainty choice (MBUC) value elicitation method allows respondents to indicate qualitative levels of uncertainty, as opposed to a simple yes or no, across a range of prices. We argue that MBUC responses convey subjective probabilities. We examine the decision process of the researcher faced with estimating population parameters from MBUC sample responses. We develop her optimal decision rule based on a specified loss function. The resulting estimator accommodates uncertainty on the part of the respondent and the researcher. We illustrate the proposed estimation method using MBUC responses from the first field application of this elicitation format. The resulting framework produces stable estimates and nests alternative methods of modeling MBUC responses. (JEL Q26)