PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Co, Catherine Y. AU - List, John A. AU - Qui, Larry D. TI - Intellectual Property Rights, Environmental Regulations, and Foreign Direct Investment AID - 10.2307/3654736 DP - 2004 May 01 TA - Land Economics PG - 153--173 VI - 80 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Land Econ2004 May 01; 80 AB - Sustainable development has been a popular buzzword among policymakers and economists for over a decade. Although a key tenet of maintaining a sustainable development path for many economies rests on attracting mobile capital, theoretical and empirical evidence into the institutional policies that attract factors remains largely unresolved. This paper takes a positive look at the determinants of attracting capital with particular attention paid to intellectual property rights and environmental regulations. (JEL F23, O34, Q28)