RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Methods to Value Environmental Amenities at Residential Locations JF Land Economics JO Land Econ FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 12 OP 29 DO 10.2307/3146977 VO 77 IS 1 A1 Earnhart, Dietrich YR 2001 UL http://le.uwpress.org/content/77/1/12.abstract AB This paper combines an established revealed-preference method, discrete-choice hedonic analysis, and a relatively new stated-reference method, choice-based conjoint analysis, in order to estimate more accurately the aesthetic benefits generated by the presence and quality of environmental amenities associated with residential locations. It applies the combined approach to the housing market of Fairfield, Connecticut, which contains several environmental amenities and is experiencing an improvement in the quality of its coastal wetlands due to active restoration efforts. (JEL Q26)