PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Barbier, Edward B. ED - Barbier, Edward B. ED - Burgess, Joanne C. TI - The Economics of Tropical Deforestation and Land Use: An Introduction to the Special Issue AID - 10.2307/3147087 DP - 2001 May 01 TA - Land Economics PG - 155--171 VI - 77 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Land Econ2001 May 01; 77 AB - This paper both introduces the special issue on the economics of tropical deforestation and land use and conducts a synthesis crosscountry analysis of tropical agricultural land expansion. Agricultural development is the main factor determining land expansion, but institutional factors have an important influence. Income effects vary from region to region, and do not always display an EKC relationship. The case studies comprising this special issue provide further case study insights into tropical deforestation and land use, through spatial analysis of locational factors, CGE modeling of policy scenarios, assessing external market impacts on land clearing, and modelling state interventions and taxation. (JEL Q2, Q23)