PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Johnston, Robert J. AU - Swallow, Stephen K. AU - Bauer, Dana Marie TI - Spatial Factors and Stated Preference Values for Public Goods: Considerations for Rural Land Use AID - 10.2307/3146848 DP - 2002 Nov 01 TA - Land Economics PG - 481--500 VI - 78 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Land Econ2002 Nov 01; 78 AB - This paper examines whether and how survey respondents react to spatial factors in stated preference surveys, and the ways in which preferences for spatial factors may influence welfare estimation. Alternative proposals to develop rural lands for residential purposes in southern New England were studied. Results illustrate that spatial attributes can influence estimated willingness to pay for development plans, even in cases where spatial attributes are only presented as cartographic details of maps used to clarify survey scenarios. Moreover, we find that subtle, and potentially unintended, spatial features presented in choice questions may influence marginal valuation of non-spatial attributes. (R52)