PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Michalek, Jerzy AU - Ciaian, Pavel AU - Kancs, d’Artis TI - Capitalization of the Single Payment Scheme into Land Value: Generalized Propensity Score Evidence from the European Union AID - 10.3368/le.90.2.260 DP - 2014 May 01 TA - Land Economics PG - 260--289 VI - 90 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Land Econ2014 May 01; 90 AB - This paper estimates the capitalization of the single payment scheme (SPS) into land values. The theory suggests a nonlinear and discontinuous relationship between the SPS and land rents. In empirical analysis we employ unique farm-level panel data and apply the generalized propensity score matching approach. Our estimates suggest a 6% to 10% SPS capitalization rate. On average in the European Union, the nonfarming landowners’ gains from the SPS are only 4%. However, there is a large variation in the capitalization rate for different SPS levels and between different member states (3% to 94%). (JEL H23, Q15)