RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Identifying Peer Effects Using Gold Rushers JF Land Economics JO Land Econ FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 527 OP 548 DO 10.3368/le.93.3.527 VO 93 IS 3 A1 Lynham, John YR 2017 UL http://le.uwpress.org/content/93/3/527.abstract AB Fishers pay attention to where other fishers are fishing, suggesting the potential for peer effects. But peer effects are difficult to identify without an exogenous shifter of peer group membership. We propose an identification strategy that exploits a shifter of peer group membership: gold rushes of new entrants. Following an exchange-rate-induced gold rush in an American fishery, we find that new entrants are strongly influenced by the location choices of their peers. Overidentification tests suggest that the assumptions underlying identification hold when new entrants are inexperienced, but identification is lost as new entrants start to potentially influence their peers. (JEL D83, Q22)